November 29 Check-in (Due 11/29 by midnight)

  • Take your end of challenge progress photo and measurements. You do not have to share these with me, but I always love and appreciate any sort of progress photos or written testimonial as my business thrives on these!

  • What is your final point total? (Winner will be announced Monday so please have your points in by Sunday, 11/29 by midnight to be counted)

  • Overall, how did you do with the water goal throughout this challenge? Did you notice a positive improvement?

  • How did you do with the nutrition goals throughout this challenge?

  • Reflecting back, what was your favorite apart of this challenge? What positive changes have you noticed?

  • What was the hardest part of this challenge, if any?

  • What do you plan on doing next month to continue to support your health and fitness?

  • Is there anything else you would like to share? I’m all ears! 


  • What is your current point total?

  • What days and times are you planning to workout for Week 4? I know this is a weird week with the holiday which is why planning ahead is so so helpful! Your workouts are your time, for you! Make yourself a priority!

  • How are you doing with the daily water goal?

  • How did you do with the nutrition goal of limiting added sugar this week? Was that helpful?

  • Did you accomplish your personal goal you set to accomplish last week? If so, give yourself a point!

  • On a scale 1-10 (1 is horrible, 10 is amazing), rate your sleep for the last week.

  • On a scale 1-10 rate your nutrition for the last week.

  • On a scale 1-10 rate your stress/stress management for the last week.

  • On a scale 1-10 rate your exercise for the last week.

  • Reflecting back on your sleep, nutrition, stress, and exercise, what can you do differently to set yourself up for success for Week 4? 

  • Do you have any fun plans for the holiday?

  • Is there anything else you would like to share? I’m all ears! 


The nutrition goal for this week is to at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable per day. Every day you eat 1 of both, give yourself a point. I’m hoping with the holiday, this is a realistic and attainable goal!


Nov. 23 - Have a smoothie

Nov. 24 - Stretch at least 10 minutes

Nov. 25 - No dairy

Nov. 26 - Give thanks!! I’ll let you decide what that means to you. Some ideas could be giving back, telling people you appreciate them, saying some positive affirmations and counting your blessings, paying it forward, etc.

Nov. 27 - Make some time for some self care! Again, I'll let you decide what the means to you. Face mask, get your nails done, the a bath, read, etc.!

Nov. 28 - Make your bed

Nov. 29 - Meditate for at least 10 minutes


Full Body Fire 11.23.20

Lower Body Pyramids 11.24.20

Arms + Abs + Cardio 11.25.20

Lower Body Sculpt 11.27.20

Full Body Fire11.28.20