NOVEMBER 16 - 22

November 15 Check-IN (due 11/15 by 8pm):

  • Take your progress photos and measurements. You don't have to send these to me but progress photos/measurement is a great way to track your progress!

  • What is your current point total?

  • What days and times are you planning to workout for Week 3?

  • How are you doing with the daily water goal?

  • How did you do with the nutrition goal of no dairy this week?

  • Did you accomplish your personal goal you set to accomplish last week? If so, give yourself a point!

  • On a scale 1-10 (1 is horrible, 10 is amazing), rate your sleep for the last week.

  • On a scale 1-10 rate your nutrition for the last week.

  • On a scale 1-10 rate your stress/stress management for the last week.

  • On a scale 1-10 rate your exercise for the last week.

  • Reflecting back on your sleep, nutrition, stress, and exercise, what can you do differently to set yourself up for success for Week 3? 

  • What is one goal you would like to accomplish this new week? Again, this can be anything!

  • Is there anything else you would like to share? I’m all ears! 


The nutrition goal for this week is to watch added sugars and try to keep it less than 25g per day. Every day you eat less than 25g of added sugar, give yourself a point. This will probably be the hardest nutrition goal this month!

Added sugars include sugars that are added during the processing of foods (such as sucrose or dextrose), foods packaged as sweeteners (such as table sugar), sugars from syrups and honey, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices. They do not include naturally occurring sugars that are found in fruits and vegetables.

To keep it simple, anything that has a label, read it and check the “added sugars” and that is what we will be tracking this week. For example, if the label says "Total sugar 15g, includes 7g added sugars” only add the 7g towards our goal of less than 25g per day.

Why are we focusing on limiting our added sugar?

There is a delicate internal equilibrium regulated by your hormones that keeps you energized and tells your body what to do with the nutrients you take in. Food is measured by the glycemic index (GI), which measures how rapidly that food causes your blood sugar to rise. The higher the GI, the faster your blood sugar spikes when you eat that food.

When your blood sugar spikes, it causes the hormone insulin to come into play. Insulin, an important hormone that will stabilize your blood sugar also triggers fat storage. Once it stabilizes your blood sugar, you’ll feel groggy, lethargic, sleepy – and start to crave more sugar because you’ll suddenly be feeling low energy. It’s a sneaky and toxic cycle.

Read your food labels and do the best you can! This is more about learning about what’s in the food you are eating and hopefully finding healthier alternatives.


Nov. 16 - Have a smoothie

Nov. 17 - Stretch at least 10 minutes

Nov. 18 - Meditate for at least 10 minutes

Nov. 19 -  Floss your teeth

Nov. 20 - No diary

Nov. 21 -Make your bed

Nov. 22 - Have a smoothie


Full Body Fire 11.16.20

Upper Body Ladders 11.17.20

Lower Body Sculpt 11.18.20

Arms + Abs + Cardio 11.19.20

Lower Body Sculpt `11.20.20

Full Body Ladder 11.21.20