November 8 Check-IN (due 11/08 by 8pm):

  • What is your current point total?

  • How are you feeling with the workouts? Do you need help making adjustments with the weights/equipment you have available or any modifications for certain exercises?

  • What days and times are you planning to workout for Week 2?

  • How are you doing with the daily water goal?

  • How did you do with the nutrition goal of a green smoothie a day this week?

  • What has been the hardest part of this challenge so far?

  • What can you do differently to set yourself up for success for Week 2?

  • How are you feeling?

  • What is one goal you would like to accomplish this week? (this can be anything - like clean out your closet, not buy starbucks, add in more home cooked meals, get to bed 30 minutes earlier, etc.)

  • Is there anything else you would like to share? I’m all ears!


The nutrition goal for this week is no dairy. Every day that you don’t have any dairy, give yourself a point.


Nov. 9 - Have a fresh juice

Nov. 10 - Stretch at least 10 minutes

Nov. 11 - Spread good vibes. Text/call/tell 3 people that you appreciate them, recognize their hard work, are thinking about them, etc.

Nov. 12 -  No phone/electronics 20 minutes before bed

Nov. 13 - Have a smoothie

Nov. 14 - Positive Affirmations - say and repeat 3+ positive affirmations in the morning and evening.

Nov. 15 - Journal


Full Body Pyramids 11.09.20

Upper Body Blast 11.10.20

Lower Body Sculpt 11.11.20

Arms + Ams + Cardio 11.12.20

Lower Body Pyramids 11.13.20

Full Body Fire 11.14.20