Week 1
Januart 1 - 10
There will be two Check-Ins this week (your initial check-in and then the end of the week).
Initial Check-In (January 1-4):
Take your initial photos and measurements!! You do not have to send me these but TAKE THEM!!
What days and what time’s are your planning to workout? Schedule your workouts into your schedule and calendar, and show up for yourself! If you are planning to come to any of the livestreams, make sure you register through MINDBODY.
Plan out your meals for the week ahead. Take the time now to set yourself up for success for the week. When you plan ahead you take out the guess work. Feel free to use the blank weekly meal sheet. As you write out your meals, write down what ingredients you need and make your shopping list.
What are you most excited about?
How are you? Life for real! Are you feeling excited? Are you stressed? Are you busy? Anything exciting going on?
Nutrtion Goal
The nutrition goal for this week is to have a green smoothie every day! Each day you have a smoothie, give yourself a point!
Daily Bonus Points
Jan. 1 - 15 minutes of movement. This can we a walk, light stretching, a full blown workout, a hike - anything you want! (I personally will be hungover so this will definitely be a bonus lol)
Jan. 2 - Stretch for 10 minutes
Jan. 3 - Have everything for your initial check-in completed
Jan. 4 - Lemon water in the morning
Jan. 5 - No dairy
Jan. 6 - Make your bed
Jan. 7 - Floss your teeth
Jan. 8 - Drink 1 gallon of water
Jan. 9 - No alcohol
Jan. 10 - No dairy